Fala e Cultura d’Os Tres Lugaris. Valverde do Fresno, As Ellas, San Martín de Trebello (Cáceres)
Lengua › Phonetics and Phonology
Lengua › Lexicology and lexicography › Dictionaries and vocabularies
Lengua › Lexicology and lexicography › Phraseology
Lengua › Lexicology and lexicography › Onomasiological and semasiological works
Lengua › Sociolinguistics. Dialectology and geolinguistics › Competences, uses and attitudes
Lengua › Sociolinguistics. Dialectology and geolinguistics › Dialectal vocabulary
Lengua › Sociolinguistics. Dialectology and geolinguistics › Standardization
Lengua › Sociolinguistics. Dialectology and geolinguistics › Language policies. Normalization
Pensamiento y mundo cultural › Anthropology and ethnology › General description of a community
Pensamiento y mundo cultural › Anthropology and ethnology › Folklore. Oral tradition
ESPAÑA › CÁCERES › San Martín de Trevejo
ESPAÑA › CÁCERES › Valverde del Fresno
El español hablado en Andalucía
Lengua › Historical linguistics and etymology › Historical grammar. Internal history
Lengua › Historical linguistics and etymology › External history
Lengua › Morphology and syntax
Lengua › Sociolinguistics. Dialectology and geolinguistics › Dialectal areas and linguistic borders