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Usos e actitudes lingüísticas no portugués de Olivenza

Artículo de revista
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Estudos de Lingüística Galega
Sinopsis de contenido

Resumen extraído de la fuente original:

En 1801, durante a Guerra das Laranxas, o territorio portugués de Olivenza foi ocupado polas tropas comandadas por Manuel Godoy e pasou a ser administrado por España (Tratado de Badaxoz, 1801). Esta mudanza de soberanía traerá fondas alteracións en diversos aspectos da vida deste territorio xunto ao río Guadiana, entre eles tamén o lingüístico. Neste contexto, o castelán desprazou o portugués e tornouse a lingua da nova administración, relegando o idioma luso a un segundo plano. Pasados máis de dous séculos, a lingua portuguesa en Olivenza vive hoxe unha situación moi precaria, as medidas de protección son escasas ou nulas e o encadramento legal practicamente inexistente.

Este artigo presenta os resultados dunha investigación sobre a situación sociolingüística de Olivenza. Para acadar ese obxectivo, presentamos unha análise dos usos e das actitudes lingüísticas extraídas dun corpus constituído por entrevistas realizadas a cidadáns e cidadás da cidade de Olivenza e o seu alfoz. Os resultados preliminares revelan que o portugués en Olivenza se encontra nunha clara situación de minorización e que as actitudes lingüísticas dos oliventinos non son, en xeral, moi favorables ao uso e preservación da lingua portuguesa. Palabras chave: cambio lingüístico; usos; actitudes; portugués; Olivenza.

In 1801, during the War of the Oranges, the Portuguese territory of Olivenza was occupied by troops commanded by Manuel Godoy, thus becoming administered by Spain (Treaty of Badajoz, 1801). This change of sovereignty also brought about profound changes in various aspects of life in this territory next to the river Guadiana, including linguistic aspects. In this context, Castilian displaced Portuguese and became the language of the new administration, relegating the Portuguese language to a secondary role. After more than two centuries, Portuguese is currently in a precarious situation, where protection measures are scarce or non-existent and the legal framework is practically absent. This paper presents the results of a research on the sociolinguistic situation of Olivenza.

The focus of this research is on the role that linguistic attitudes play in the sociolinguistic situation of Portuguese in the city of Olivenza. In order to achieve this objective, we present an analysis of the linguistic usages and attitudes extracted from a corpus of interviews conducted with citizens of the city of Olivenza. The preliminary results reveal that Portuguese in Olivenza is in a clear situation of minoritization and that the linguistic attitudes of the people of Olivenza are not generally very favourable to the use and preservation of the Portuguese language. Keywords: language change; uses; attitudes; Portuguese; Olivenza.

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04/12/2024 - 23:11