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Las variedades lingüísticas del noroeste peninsular: convergencias y divergencias


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Lletres Asturianes

Sinopsis de contenido

[Resumen extraído de la fuente original]

Nel noroeste de la Península Ibérica fálense tres variedaes llingüístiques, consideraes como llingües minoritaries en rellación col castellán y el portugués: el gallegu y l’asturianu n’España y el mirandés en Portugal. Análicense nesti trabayu les concordancies y diverxencies principales ente les tres variedaes llingüístiques a nivel fonéticu, morfo-sintáuticu y léxicu ya intenta determinase en qué midida’l contautu llingüísticu col castellán y el portugués, respeutivamente, ye responsable del alloñamientu del gallegu frente al portugués y del mirandés frente al asturianu. Como cada una de les llingües n’análisis presenta subvariedaes diatópiques, la comparación afítase sobre too (pero non únicamente) dende los respeutivos estándares. Pallabres clave: Gallegu, asturianu, mirandés, variedaes estándar, converxencies, diverxencies.

Lingüistic varieties of the North West area of the Iberian Peninsula: points of agreement and disagreement.

In the North-West area of the Iberian Peninsula three linguistic varieties –considered as minoritarian in relation to Castilian and Portuguese– are spoken: Galician and Asturian in Spain and Mirandese in Portugal. This article analyses the main points of agreement and disagreement between these languages at a phonetic, morpho-syntactic and lexical level. Furthermore, it tries to determine to what extent is linguistic contact with Castilian and Portuguese reponsible for the current distance between Galician and Portuguese on the one hand and Mirandese and Asturian on the other. As each of the languages analysed has its own diatopic variations, the comparison is mainly (but not only) drawn between their standard varieties. Key words: Galician, Asturian, Mirandese, standard varieties, points of agreement and disagreement. 

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Última modificación
02/08/2019 - 14:25