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Multidisciplinary bibliography of the Portugal-Spain border

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181390 Paper Estudios dialectales sobre la provincia de Zamora /en/fichas-bibliograficas/estudios-dialectales-sobre-la-provincia-de-zamora

Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares

González Ferrero, Juan Carlos

González Ferrero, Juan Carlos 1997 LII 2 55-133

[Resumen extraído de la fuerte original]

Este artículo tiene por objeto la descripción de la actividad dialectológica desplegada en la provincia de Zamora a lo largo de los últimos cien años. Distinguimos tres períodos en la evolución de esta investigación dialectal, desde finales del siglo XIX y a lo largo del XX: un primer período, que abarcaría el último cuarto del siglo XIX y el primer tercio del XX (1879-1936); un segundo período, que comprendería aproximadamente el segundo tercio del siglo XX (1936-1973); y un tercer período, formado por el último tercio del siglo XX (1973-1995). En cada una de estas etapas nos ocupamos de los distintos trabajos realizados, en relación con los cuales exponemos sus objetivos, métodos, contenidos y resultados. Al final del artículo llevamos a cabo una valoración prospectiva de esta actividad dialectológica, de manera que, tomando como base la descripción efectuada, intentamos señalar las líneas de actuación que a nuestro juicio han de seguir los futuros estudios dialectales sobre la provincia de Zamora.

This article aims to describe the dialectological studies carried out in the province of Zamora, Spain, over the past hundred years. We distinguish three periods in the evolution of these studies from the late 19th century to the present: (1) from 1879 through 1936, (2) from 1936 through 1973 and (3) from 1973 through 1995. For each of these periods we discuss the different research projects undertaken, their objectives, methods, materials and results. In the last part of the article we make a prospective evaluation of this dialectological endeavor; in addition, on the basis of our discussion, we suggest the Unes of research that these studies should follow in the future.  

español Language, Linguistic historiography, Sociolinguistics. Dialectology and geolinguistics, Other dialectological/sociolinguistic works ESPAÑA, ZAMORA
179802 Book Estudios dialectológicos /en/fichas-bibliograficas/estudios-dialectologicos

Salvador, Gregorio

Salvador Caja, Gregorio Madrid Paraninfo 1987 247 8428315108

ÍNDICE: Introducción ││ 1. Estructuralismo lingüístico e investigación dialectal (1975/1977) ││ 2. La investigación de textos hablados (1976/1977) ││ 3. Dialectos y estructuras (1985/1986) ││ 4. Las encuestas del ALEA  en 1955 (1955) ││ 5. La fonética andaluuza y su propagación social y geográfica (1963/1964) │ Apostilla de 1985 ││ 6. Discordancias dialectales en el español atlántico (1978/1981) ││ 7. Unidades fonológicas vocálicas en andaluz oriental (1974/1977) ││ 8. El juego fonológico y la articulación de las llamadas vocales andaluzas (1985) ││ 9. La diptongación de O, E latinas y las cartas de un semialfabeto (1956/1957) ││ 10. La labiodental sonora en español actual (1981/1984) ││ 11. Hipótesis geológica sobre la evolución de F>h- (1981/1984) ││ 12. La nasal velar en español (1985) ││ 13. Neutralización de G-/K- en español (1965/1969) │ Apostilla de 1985 con algunas consideraciones sobre el rasgo de sonoridad ││ 14. Hipótesis fonológica sobre oclusivas sordas y sonoras divergentes en altoaragonés y bearnés (1984/1985) ││ 15. Fonética masculina y fonética femenina en el habla de Vertientes y Tarifa (Granada) (1951/1952) │ Apostilla de 1977 │ Apostilla de 1985 ││ 16. De dialectología contrastiva: Olivares, Caniles, Manzanera (1983) ││ 17. La fonética de Franco (1978/1983) ││ 18. Sobre un texto hablado de Ernesto Sábato (1978) ││ Índices alfabéticos │ Índice de materias │ Índice de lugares │ Índice de autores

español Language, Phonetics and Phonology, Sociolinguistics. Dialectology and geolinguistics, (Socio-)Linguistical description of a locality or territory. Linguistic atlases, Dialectal areas and linguistic borders ESPAÑA, HUELVA, Almonaster la Real, Aroche, Ayamonte, Cabezas Rubias, Puebla de Guzmán, Rosal de la Frontera, San Silvestre de Guzmán, Sanlúcar de Guadiana dialectología histórica, dialectología perceptiva
182936 Paper Estudios sobre el dialecto extremeño /en/fichas-bibliograficas/estudios-sobre-el-dialecto-extremeno


Viudas Camarasa, Antonio

Viudas Camarasa, Antonio 1979 2 15 español Basic concepts, Bibliography, Language, Sociolinguistics. Dialectology and geolinguistics, Other dialectological/sociolinguistic works ESPAÑA, BADAJOZ, CÁCERES hablas extremeñas
177419 Book Estudios sobre el extremeño /en/fichas-bibliograficas/estudios-sobre-el-extremeno

Ariza Viguera, Manuel

Ariza Viguera, Manuel Cáceres Universidad de Extremadura 2008 132 978-84-7723-836-2

Se reúnen en el volumen once trabajos del profesor Ariza sobre diversos aspectos de las hablas y la onomástica de Extremadura que previamente habían sido publicados en revistas, en actas de congresos o como capítulos de libros. Los trabajos son los siguientes: 1. El extremeño; 2. Apuntes de geografía lingüística extremeña (datos extraídos del ALPI y otras encuestas); 3. Dos estudios de historia lingüística de Extremadura; 4. De nuevo sobre Serradilla y el chinato; 5. Notas sobre el léxico extremeño; 6. Los vocabularios extremeños; 7. Tres comentarios de textos extremeños; 8. Aproximación a los estudios onomásticos de Extremadura; 9. Acercamiento a la onomástica cacereña del siglo XVI; 10. Aspectos de la onomástica extremeña; y 11. La lengua de Luis Chamizo.

Anejos del Anuario de Estudios Filológicos, n.º 28

español Language, Historical linguistics and etymology, Etymology, External history, Onomastics, Sociolinguistics. Dialectology and geolinguistics, Dialectal vocabulary, Works on specific dialectal/sociolinguistic issues, Dialectal areas and linguistic borders ESPAÑA, BADAJOZ, CÁCERES hablas extremeñas, vocabulario, lengua literaria, Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica (ALPI)
179800 Book Estudios sobre el léxico andaluz /en/fichas-bibliograficas/estudios-sobre-el-lexico-andaluz

Ropero Núñez, Miguel

Ropero Núñez, Miguel Sevilla Ediciones El Carro de la Nieve 1989 141 84-86697-06-9

Tomando como base el Atlas Lingüístico y Etnográfico de Andalucía (ALEA) se realiza un estudio de varios campos semánticos desde las perspectivas geográfica (las distribución de los términos) y semasiológica. El libro contiene un capítulo dedicado a las relaciones existentes entre el léxico andaluz y el flamenco.

español Language, Lexicology and lexicography, Onomasiological and semasiological works, Sociolinguistics. Dialectology and geolinguistics, Competences, uses and attitudes, Dialectal vocabulary ESPAÑA, HUELVA hablas andaluzas, vocabulario, conciencia/identidad lingüística, flamenco, caló
181475 Book Estudiu sociollingüísticu de Zamora (fastera occidental) /en/fichas-bibliograficas/estudiu-sociollinguisticu-de-zamora-fastera-occidental

García Arias, Xosé Lluis
González Riaño, Xosé Antón

, García Arias, Xosé Lluis, González Riaño, Xosé Antón Uviéu Academia de la Llingua Asturiana 2011 109 978-84-8168-518-3

"El presente trabayu axunta los plantegamientos y conclusiones d'un estudiu sociollingüísticu qu'escueye les fasteres occidentales de Zamora (Senabria, La Carbayeda, Aliste y Sayago) como noyu referencial d'investigación. Afondando daqué más na so carauterización, podríemos dicir que se trata d'una investigación inxerta nuna llinia de trabayu que venimos calteniendo cuantayá y arreyada a lo que vien denomándose «macrosociollingüística» o «socioloxía del llinguax», darréu que toma a la sociedá como exa fundamental y entiende'l llinguax como factor de primer orde pa encadarmar a la mesma y a les estremaes comunidaes" [cita tomada de la página 11 de la obra].

astur-leonés Language, Sociolinguistics. Dialectology and geolinguistics, Competences, uses and attitudes, Language policies. Normalization, Dialectal areas and linguistic borders ESPAÑA, ZAMORA Aliste, Sayago, Sanabria, Carballeda, La, conciencia/identidad lingüística, asturleonés
182890 Proceedings Estudo Antropológico do Convento de Nossa Senhora da Graça, Tavira (Portugal) /en/fichas-bibliograficas/estudo-antropologico-do-convento-de-nossa-senhora-da-graca-tavira-portugal

Arqueologia de Transição: O Mundo Funerário. Actas do II Congresso Internacional sobre Arqueologia de Transição (29 de Abril a 1 de Maio 2013)

Covaneiro, Jaquelina; Cavaco, Sandra; Carmo, Teresa

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Covaneiro, Jaquelina, Cavaco, Sandra, Carmo, Teresa

Branco, Gertrudes; Rocha, Leonor; Duarte, Cidália; Oliveira, Jorge de; Bueno Ramírez, Primitiva

Évora Centro de História de Arte e Investigação Artística (Universidade de Évora) 2015 332-340 978-989-99083-6-9

[Resumo proveniente da fonte]

The Augustinian convent of Our Lady of Grace of Tavira arises in 1542, founded by Friar Pedro de Vila Viçosa, in the space between walls, partially unoccupied after the expulsion/forced conversion of Iberian Jews in the late fifteenth century. However, works only began in 1569 and, due to various vicissitudes, were extended through the early years of the seventeenth century. Throughout its existence, the Gratian convent suffered some changes, including those that occurred in the Baroque period (eighteenth century) and from the adaptations that took place giving the building other function after the extinction of the religious orders in 1834. Thus, in 1839 the convent and its surrounds are requested by the Ministry of War to serve as a military quartering of Battalion nº. 5 (Batalhão de Caçadores n.º 5). After years of neglect and degradation, the building was purchased in 1999 by the municipality of Tavira which, by agreement with the Enatur - Pousadas de Portugal, set the conditions for the conversion of the former convent in historic inn (hotel). Due to the rehabilitation of the old convent, archaeological works were carried out across the area. Thus, it was possible to confirm the existence of an intense human occupation which extends from at least the Iron Age up to the Modern Era. Besides the occupational levels mentioned above, other areas used as sepulchral area were identified. However, in this study we will only deal with areas of death in medieval and modern age, identified in the cloister, in the church and in the elevator shaft. In these spaces, at least 29 burials were identified, centered between the middle of the sixteenth and mid-seventeenth century. Some of burial showed signs of human manipulation while others had already been moved to another location. Most of the individuals (non-adults and adults) were placed directly into the ground while in some cases there were signs of coffins. The majority of the individuals were founded in dorsal decubitus position, with their arms crossed at the chest, the belly or the pubic region. Their legs were always stretched out. Some individuals were found with jewellery pieces and numismatic artefacts. There were at least 47 individuals exhumed, 13 nonadults and 43 adults. The majority of the non-adults died within the first three years of life despite the presence of unborn individuals and adolescents. Among the adults, the age assessment was difficult to attain due to the low degree of bone preservation. Even so it was possible to identify individuals with 20-50 years of age. Concerning the sexual distribution, the population was primarily female despite the presence of males. The individual’s stature is within the stature standard at the time, which seems to be a good health indicator for this population. About the pathological evidences, most of the individuals suffered from some kind of degenerative effect both in their articular and non-articular surfaces. Despite these, there were cases of bone inflammation, traumas and physiological stress indicators in both adults and nonadults. In addition there is a possible case of a medical intervention, which could help to characterize both the biological and social aspects of this population. Keywords: Tavira, burial, skeletons, Middle and Modern Age.

portugués Thought and cultural world, History, Archaeology PORTUGAL, FARO, Tavira necrópolis, arquitectura religiosa
182891 Proceedings Estudo Antropológico do Convento de Nossa Senhora do Carmo, Tavira /en/fichas-bibliograficas/estudo-antropologico-do-convento-de-nossa-senhora-do-carmo-tavira

Arqueologia de Transição: O Mundo Funerário. Actas do II Congresso Internacional sobre Arqueologia de Transição (29 de Abril a 1 de Maio 2013)

Cavaco, Sandra; Covaneiro, Jaquelina; Carmo, Teresa

, ,
Cavaco, Sandra, Covaneiro, Jaquelina, Carmo, Teresa

Branco, Gertrudes; Rocha, Leonor; Duarte, Cidália; Oliveira, Jorge de; Bueno Ramírez, Primitiva

Évora Centro de História de Arte e Investigação Artística (Universidade de Évora) 2015 325-331 978-989-99083-6-9

[Resumo proveniente da fonte]

During the conversion of the Igreja Conventual do Convento de Nossa Senhora do Carmo in Tavira, into a “Ciência Viva” Center a funerary space was identified, used consistently and systematically during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This intensive use of space is attested by the abundance of articulated bones from oldest burials that were destroyed by more recent ones. There were identified thirteen graves and nine ossuaries. Between primary and secondary burials, at least fifty five individuals were present: twenty three non-adults and thirty two adults. The majority of the skeletons were buried directly in the ground, in low-deep graves. They were placed in a dorsal decubitus position with their arms mostly crossed at the chest and their legs stretched. The exhumed population varies in their age, ranging between intrauterine period and 50 years of age. Most of the children died during the first 3 years of life. The adults were more difficult to assess in terms of age and sex due to the lack of bones used to establish these parameters. Nevertheless it was possible to identify members of both sexes and young and mature adults. The adults, in most cases, were older than 20 or 29 years. It was observed the presence of five individuals among the 36 - 50 years and one with 21 to 35 years. Concerning sexual diagnosis, we have identified eight male adults and nine female adults. Regarding the height of the individuals, it was found that the values for male individuals range between 154 and 170 cm and female range between 150 and 170 cm. In regards to this population health, there were several cases of degenerative lesions in articular and nonarticular areas, some trauma cases, inflammatory episodes and a few physiological stress indicators, among other conditions. The bones areas afflicted by degenerative diseases exhibit, in most cases, micro porosity and bone growth in the spinal region and upper and lower limbs. In traumatic cases, some individuals have rib fractures with conspicuous calluses. It was identified a fused sacrum to the coccyx and ankyloses of the feet. Highlighting the presence of active inflammatory signals when death occurred, there is the deposition of new bone in irregular layers, which reaches femurs, tibias and humerus. As an example of physical stress lesions, it was detected an atlas with the vertebral arch fractured and with refurbished contours. This type of injury has been attributed to the act of carrying weight in the head in a systematic way. We also identified signs of nutritional deprivation and infections during the development of individuals, such as the linear hypoplasia in teeth. Regarding funeral rites, the use of shrouds was verified through the presence of several pins arranged along the body. Although most of the burials have been performed directly on the ground, the use of coffins and stretchers, often filled with lime, was also confirmed. Some of these coffins were ornamented. We also collected various items of clothing such as buttons, hooks and buckles, as well as scraps of leather from shoes. Keywords: Tavira, burial, skeletons.

portugués Thought and cultural world, History, Archaeology PORTUGAL, FARO, Tavira necrópolis
178496 Paper Estudo antropológico e etnográfico da população de S. Pedro (Mogadouro) /en/fichas-bibliograficas/estudo-antropologico-e-etnografico-da-populacao-de-s-pedro-mogadouro

Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia

Santos Júnior, Joaquim Rodrigues dos

Santos Júnior, Joaquim Rodrigues dos Porto Imprensa Portuguesa 1924 II 2 85-186

[Resumo proveniente da fonte]

No plano do meu trabalho começarei pelo estudo do grau de nutrição, côr dos olhos, da pele e dos cabelos, perfil do nariz, dentadura e maior ou menor abundância de barba (entre os caracteres descritivos) -e dinamometria, estatura, índice esquélico, índice cefálico, índice nasal, índice anterior, índices verticais, índice facial, comprimento da mão, do palmo, largura da bôca, relação centesimal entre a braça e a estatura e proporção da altura total da cabeça à estatura (entre os caracteres métricos). A última parte será constituída por uns capítulos de etnografia, onde procurei reunír alguns factos e observações da vida, moral e material dos transmontanos de S. Pedro.

Com lista de alguns vocábulos mais frequentemente utilizados pelos habitantes da povoação.

portugués Geography, Human geography, Language, Sociolinguistics. Dialectology and geolinguistics, Dialectal vocabulary, Thought and cultural world, Anthropology and ethnology, General description of a community PORTUGAL, BRAGANÇA, Mogadouro tiempo climático, organización territorial, demografía, arquitectura popular, alimentación, agricultura, caza y pesca, comercio, sector industrial, costumbres del ciclo vital, ritos y ceremonias, religiosidad popular, supersticiones y creencias populares, propiedad de la tierra, literatura oral, canciones
183039 Paper Estudo de caso em prosódia no nordeste de Portugal: contributos para um atlas multimédia das línguas românicas /en/fichas-bibliograficas/estudo-de-caso-em-prosodia-no-nordeste-de-portugal-contributos-para-um-atlas

Lletres Asturianes

Coimbra, Rosa Lídia; Gómez Bautista, Alberto; Moutinho, Lurdes de Castro

, , Coimbra, Rosa Lídia, Gómez Bautista, Alberto, Moutinho, Lurdes de Castro 2020 123 97-108

[Resumo proveniente da fonte]

L’ausencia d’investigaciones sobro la prosodia de les llingües romániques en xeneral, y del portugués en particular, ta na base del surdimientu del proyeutu dientro del que s’asitia esti estudiu. Gracies a la iguadura de nueves teunoloxíes, qu’inxeren ferramientes computacionales amañoses pa la coyida y l’análisis de la señal de voz, surde, a lo cabero de 1999, el Atles Multimedia Prosódicu del Espaciu Románicu, proyeutu AMPER. Esti proyeutu sofítase nuna idea de Michel Contini, presentada orixinalmente en Bilbao en 1991 (Contini, 1991). Participen nel mentáu proyeutu dellos países d’Europa y América Llatina, col oxetivu xeneral de describir y contrastar la variación prosódica de toles variedaes romániques (Romano, Contini & Lai, 2014, p. 27). Les variedaes portugueses, dominiu AMPER-POR (AMPER pal portugués européu, PE, y el portugués de Brasil, PO) tán coordinaes pola profesora Lurdes Moutinho y tienen la so sede na Universidá d’Aveiro en Portugal. L’análisis acústicu, de los corpora recoyíos nel trabayu de campu, llévase a cabu per aciu del programa MatLab. Pa ello, empléguense scripts desendolcaos pal Proyeutu y emplegaos por tolos investigadores del AMPER, que permiten etiquetar, manualmente, les señales de voz y estraer automáticamente los parámetros acústicos (F0, duración ya intensidá) de los segmentos vocales. Ye posible proceder a un tratamientu estadísticu automáticu de los datos que fai posible representaciones gráfiques y aplicaciones nel campu de la xeoprosodia, como la dialectometra llingüística (Moutinho, Coimbra, Rilliard & Romano, 2011) y la cartografía (Moutinho et al., 2019). Pal presente exemplu seleicionamos dos informantes, ensin estudios superiores, de dos llugares nel nordeste tresmontanu. Tienen los dos el portugués como llingua materna, anque ún d’ellos ta inxeríu nun contestu onde se fala mirandés mentanto que l’otru nun ta espuestu a esti idioma. Esti estudiu pretende dar cuenta de la posible interferencia de la prosodia de la llingua mirandesa sobro la portuguesa nun contestu xeográficu onde les dos llingües conviven. Constatamos delles diferencies ente estos dos falantes de portugués, oxetu equí del análisis, pero non tan bultables que nos dexen afitar que’l contestu sociollingüísticu pueda tar influenciando les sos melodíes. Pallabres clave: prosodia, fonética esperimental, procesamientu computacional, portugués.

The lack of research on the prosody of Romance languages in general, and Portuguese in particular, gives rise to the project to which this study belongs. Thanks to the emergence of new technologies, which include suitable computational tools for speech signal collection and analysis, the Prosodic Multimedia Atlas of Romance Languages, AMPER project, appeared in 1999. This project departed from an idea of Michel Contini, originally presented in Bilbao in 1991 (Contini, 1992). Several countries in Europe and Latin America participate in this project, with the general objective of describing and contrasting the prosodic variation of all Romance varieties (Romano, Contini & Lai, 2014, p. 27). The studies on Portuguese varieties, domain AMPER-POR (AMPER for European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese), are coordinated by Professor Lurdes Moutinho and are based at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. The acoustic analysis of the corpora collected in the field is done with MatLab software. For this purpose, we use scripts developed for the Project and used by all AMPER researchers, allowing the researchers to manually label the voice signals and automatically extract the acoustic parameters (F0, duration and intensity) from the vocal segments. It is possible to carry out an automatic statistical treatment of the data that allows graphical representations and applications in the field of geoprosody, studies such as linguistic dialectometry (Moutinho, Coimbra, Rilliard & Romano, 2011) and cartography (Moutinho et al. 2019). For the present example, we selected two informants with only basic education and from two locations in the north-eastern part of Trás-os-Montes. Both have Portuguese as their mother tongue, although one of them is inserted in a context in which Mirandese is also spoken, while the other is not exposed to that language. This study aims to account for the possible interference of the prosody of the Mirandese language on the Portuguese in a geographical context in which the two languages coexist.We noticed some differences between these two Portuguese speakers but not notorious enough to allow us to conclude that the sociolinguistic context may have influenced their melodies. Keywords: prosody, experimental phonetics, computational processing, Portuguese.

portugués Language, Phonetics and Phonology PORTUGAL, BRAGANÇA, Alfândega da Fé, Miranda do Douro prosodia, Atlas Multimedia de la Prosodia del Espacio Románico (AMPER), mirandés, portugués, fonética experimental