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We will report here on additions to our oral corpus from April 2023. In the bibliography section there are specific buttons to consult new additions and record updates.

To stay informed on the general activities of the project, check our social networks: and

19/08/2023: We upload 8 interviews carried on in several villages of the municipality of Miranda d l Douro (Miranda do Douro), Braganza, Portugal: Cérceno | Cércio, Cicuiro | Cicouro, Dues Eigreijas | Duas Igrejas, Infainç | Ifanes, San Martino | São Martinho de Angueira, Sendin | Sendim, Silba | Silva, Zenízio | Genísio.

03/08/2023: We upload three interviews recorded in the municipalities of Pedralba de la Pradería (Calabor, Rihonor de Castilla and Pedralba) and two interviews in the municipality of Trabazos (Latedo and Nuez), all of them in the province of Zamora (Castile and León, España).

24/07/2023: We upload two interviews recorded in the province of Salamanca (Spain): Aldea del Obispo and Saucelle.

26/06 a 18/07/2023: We have uploaded interviews in Encinasola (Huelva, Spain), Foios (Sabugal, Guarda, Portugal), Juromenha (Alandroal, Évora, Portugal), Pinilla de Fermoselle (Zamora, Castile and León, Spain), Vilvestre (Salamanca, Castile and León, Spain) y Villarino de los Aires (Salamanca, Castile and León, Spain).

07/04/2023: Uploaded an interview in Valencia del Mombuey (Badajoz, Spain).