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Exploraciones de toponimia documental sanabresa


Journal title
Lletres Asturianes. Boletín Oficial de l'Academia de la Llingua Asturiana

Resumen extraído de la fuente original:

La fala sanabresa foi oxetu de estudios precoces y caltriantes dende los entamos de la reflexón filolóxica asturianolleonesa. La toponimia menor d’estes contornes, particularmente rica, foi recoyida monográficamente nel marcu d’unos pocos términos municipales; exemplos particulares, espigaos pa ilustrar fenómenos llingüísticos, afaten obres d’algame xeneral. Apréciase, sicasí, una falta que va convenir dir supliendo: l’ausencia d’estudios qu’enceten la diacronía d’estos topónimos, a la lluz del ricu corpus documental disponible dende siquier los empiezos de la Edá Moderna. Los testos notariales, pese al efeutu nivelador del castellán, dexen aldovinar fechos de gran interés pa la filoloxía del occidente lleonés. Estes páxines conságrense a realizar una primer esploración d’esta vía. Palabres clave: Toponimia documental, Sanabria, apeos y pleitos, asturianoleonés.

The Sanabrian speech has been the subject of early and penetrating studies since the beginnings of Asturian-Leonese philological reflection. The toponymy of this area, a particularly rich one, has been collected monographically within the framework of a few municipalities; particular examples, gleaned to illustrate linguistic phenomena, adorn works of general scope. There is, however, a shortcoming that needs to be remedied: the lack of studies dealing with the diachrony of these toponyms, in the light of the rich documentalcorpus available from at least the beginning of the Modern Age. In these texts, despite the levelling effect of Castilian, facts of great interest for the philology of western Leonese can be inferred. The following pages are devoted to a first exploration of this avenue. Keywords: Documentary toponymy, Sanabria, Surveys and lawsuits, Asturian-Leonese.

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Last modified
07/17/2024 - 22:31