Os dialectos leoneses em território português: coesão e diversidade
Lengua › Phonetics and Phonology
Lengua › Sociolinguistics. Dialectology and geolinguistics › Bilingualism and diglossia. Languages in contact. Interferences
PORTUGAL › BRAGANÇA › Miranda do Douro
O falar de Odeleite
Lengua › Lexicology and lexicography › Dictionaries and vocabularies
Lengua › Lexicology and lexicography › Onomasiological and semasiological works
Lengua › Historical linguistics and etymology › Onomastics
Lengua › Morphology and syntax
Lengua › Sociolinguistics. Dialectology and geolinguistics › (Socio-)Linguistical description of a locality or territory. Linguistic atlases
Lengua › Sociolinguistics. Dialectology and geolinguistics › Dialectal vocabulary
PORTUGAL › FARO › Castro Marim