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The Silk Industry in Trás-Os-Montes During the Ancient Regime


Artículo de revista
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e-Journal of Portuguese History

Sinopsis de contenido

[Resumo extraído de la fuente original]

The silk industry was historically the most important industrial sector from Trás-os-Montes, with no competition until the 19th century. For centuries, it was the economic activity most open to the outside and the first to yield to the new capitalist mentality.  It was, undoubtedly, the productive activity that contributed most to the national and international acknowledgment of the region and its identity. The explanation for the localization of this industry in northeastern Trás-os-Montes lies in its multi-secular tradition, nourished by silkworm creation, that is, by the existence of raw materials in that region, a virtuous cycle that is difficult to perceive. In this paper, which serves as a brief history of the silk industry in Trás-os-Montes during the Ancient Regime, we study the available sources that, although scarce, allow us to verify the irregular evolution of this industry, and the factors leading to its periods of depression and prosperity. Keywords: Trás-os-Montes, Bragança, Chacim, silk industry, Arnauds, Piedmont.

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Última modificación
07/04/2020 - 16:03