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The internal and external dynamics of the Development and collapse of Tartessos. A possible explanatory model


Actas de congreso
Título del volumen

Lengua y cultura en Hispania prerromana: actas del V Coloquio sobre lenguas y culturas de la Península Ibérica

Universidad de Salamanca
Sinopsis de contenido

[Resumen extraído de la fuente principal] 

Recent studies on complex social organisations have centred their attention on the dynamics of the social and economic internal development of those societies, while others have placedgreater emphasis on their peculiar cultural and historical contexts. Yet other studies have tried to bring together all possible variables, usig both functional and contextual arguments, in an attempt to turn the archaelogical evidence into a comprehensible whole. The possible vauses for the rise and collapse of the state in certain areas and the occurrence of powerful ruling elites have also become interesting and challenging questions in modern archaeological research. In the Iberian Peninsula, Tartessos seems to have been a filcral area in the general development of the whole South especially that of the South-west. This can be detected both in its own evolutionary process and by the establishment of strong contacts and interaction with different peoples. The increasing demands of its trade networks and the establishment of complex ties of dedpendence between its core and peripherical areas playes a significant role in this development. The dynamics of these processes will be discussed here, and an explanatory model suggested.

Área geográfica
Última modificación
02/11/2022 - 11:13