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Aproximación al estatus de la lengua y cultura barranqueñas: decisiones políticas e impulsos lingüísticos

Artículo de revista
Título de la revista
Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana
Sinopsis de contenido

Resumen extraído de la fuente original:

On December 30, 2021, the Barranquenho language and culture were the subject of Law No. 97/2021. In this document the Portuguese National Assembly enshrines the right of Barrancos to the “Recognition and protection of Barranquenho and its cultural identity”. The text of this law is the result of two bills submitted to the Assembly by two political parties in that same year. Both bills proposed, simultaneously the recognition and the protection of Barranquenho and the local culture. Supporting the identity of the community of Barrancos, this legislative act is based on various assumptions and has implications of various orders. The aim of this article is to present the current “political status” of the Barranquenho language and culture in the context of Law No. 97/2021, as an instrument of linguistic policy and appreciation of cultural diversity in Portugal. Keywords: Barranquenho, languages in contact, linguistic policy, linguistic awareness, sociolinguistics.

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Última modificación
17/07/2024 - 23:46