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Multidisciplinary bibliography of the Portugal-Spain border

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182065 Paper Sobre a Gallaecia magna e as relacións históricas e xeolingüísticas entre galego, portugués e asturiano /en/fichas-bibliograficas/sobre-gallaecia-magna-e-relacions-historicas-e-xeolinguisticas-entre-galego

Estudis Romànics

Dubert García, Francisco

Dubert-García, Francisco 2017 39 43-69

[Resumen extraído de la fuente original]

Este artigo pretende chamar a atención sobre a existencia dalgúns fenómenos dialectais que mostran a existencia dunha área xeolingüística galego-asturiana (que inclúe o Baixo-Minho portugués) que xa ten a súa orixe no mesmo momento da romanización. De feito, retómase a noción xeo-histórico-lingüística de Gallaecia Magna demarcada por Joseph M. Piel como locus xeográfico orixinario do nacemento do portugués, do galego e do asturiano. Esta área estaba formada polo noroeste de Portugal, as provincias de Pontevedra, Coruña, Lugo e a metade occidental de Oviedo. Algunhas diferenzas entre galego e portugués (que agrupan galego con asturiano) deben remitirse á inclusión de Galicia e do oeste de Asturias nesta área. Os fenómenos mostran un prolongado contacto galegoasturiano e unha fidelidade do galego e do asturiano a esta área e un comportamento independente e, ás veces, unitario do portugués e do castelán con respecto a estes fenómenos. Palabras clave: galego, portugués, asturleonés, castelán, contacto lingüístico. 

On the Gallaecia Magna and the historical and geolinguistic relations between Galician, Portuguese and Asturian

The aim of this article is to call attention to the existence of certain dialectal features that prove the existence of a Galicio-Asturian geolinguistic area (including the Portuguese Baixo-Minho) which dates back to the period of Roman colonization. What we effectively do is revive the geo-historico-linguistic notion of a Gallaecia Magna elaborated by Joseph M. Piel as the original geographical birthplace of Portuguese, Galician and Asturian. This area consisted of north-east Portugal, the provinces of Pontevedra, Coruña, Lugo and the western part of Oviedo. Some differences between Galician and Portuguese (that show Galician as more akin to Asturian) must have to do with the affinity of Galician and western Asturias to this area. The features are proof of a long period of contact between Galician and Asturian, and their allegiance to the area, as opposed to the independent, sometimes united, stance of Portuguese and Castilian in the face of these facts. Key words: Galician, Portuguese, Asturo-Leonese, Castilian, language contact.

gallego Language, Comparative and contrastive studies, Astur-Leonese/Galician comparison, Astur-Leonese/Portuguese comparison, Galician/Portuguese comparison, Phonetics and Phonology, Sociolinguistics. Dialectology and geolinguistics, Dialectal areas and linguistic borders ESPAÑA, OURENSE, PONTEVEDRA, PORTUGAL gallego, portugués, gallego-portugués, asturleonés
177874 Book Chapter Sobre a presença muçulmana em Portugal na Idade Média /en/fichas-bibliograficas/sobre-presenca-muculmana-em-portugal-na-idade-media

Diálogo de Civilizações. Viagens ao fundo da História em busca do tempo perdido

Torres, Cláudio

Torres, Cláudio Coimbra Imprensa da Universidade 2004 81-90 978-989-26-0345-2 portugués Thought and cultural world, Anthropology and ethnology, Religion. Mythology, History, Archaeology, Middle Ages PENÍNSULA IBÉRICA, PORTUGAL, BEJA, Mértola cristianismo, yacimientos arqueológicos, comunidad musulmana
177679 Paper Sobre a romanização do Alentejo e do Algarve. A propósito de uma obra de José d' Encarnação /en/fichas-bibliograficas/sobre-romanizacao-do-alentejo-e-do-algarve-proposito-de-uma-obra-de-jose-d


Alarcão, Jorge de

Alarcão, Jorge de 1985 11 99-111 portugués Thought and cultural world, History, Archaeology, Prehistory and Classical Antiquity PORTUGAL, BEJA, FARO, PORTALEGRE, ÉVORA romanización, Encarnação, José d'
181773 Paper Sobre a terminação -endo (-indo), -enda na fito-toponímia galego-portuguesa /en/fichas-bibliograficas/sobre-terminacao-endo-indo-enda-na-fito-toponimia-galego-portuguesa

Boletim de Filologia

Piel, Joseph M.

Piel, Joseph M. 1961 XX 1-2 153-163

Actas do IX Congresso Internacional de Linguística Românica (31 de Março - 4 de Abril de 1959).

portugués Language, Historical linguistics and etymology, Onomastics, Morphology and syntax ESPAÑA, OURENSE, PONTEVEDRA, PORTUGAL, BRAGA, BRAGANÇA, GUARDA, VIANA DO CASTELO, VILA REAL toponimia, sufijos
180745 Dissertation Sobre a toponímia de três freguesias do concelho de Portalegre: Alegrete, Reguengo e S. Julião /en/fichas-bibliograficas/sobre-toponimia-de-tres-freguesias-do-concelho-de-portalegre-alegrete

Morais, Leopoldina Maria Soares Bastos

Morais, Leopoldina Maria Soares Bastos Universidade de Lisboa 1971 1971

Dissertação de licenciatura.

portugués Language, Historical linguistics and etymology, Onomastics PORTUGAL, PORTALEGRE, Portalegre toponimia
182485 Paper Sobre algunos aspectos del folklore de Almendral (Badajoz) /en/fichas-bibliograficas/sobre-algunos-aspectos-del-folklore-de-almendral-badajoz

Saber Popular: Revista Extremeña de Folklore

Pérez Guedejo, José Joaquín

Pérez Guedejo, José Joaquín 1998 12 81-92 español Thought and cultural world, Anthropology and ethnology, Folklore. Oral tradition ESPAÑA, BADAJOZ, Almendral
182068 Paper Sobre as origens da vogal radical /i/ em sigo~siga no verbo galego-português: Um fenómeno de contacto linguístico? /en/fichas-bibliograficas/sobre-origens-da-vogal-radical-i-em-sigosiga-no-verbo-galego-portugues-um

Studies on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics

Dubert García, Francisco

Dubert-García, Francisco 2015 4 2 301-342

[Resumen extraído de la fuente original]

It is admitted that the origin of the height of the radical vowel of Galician and Portuguese sigo ~ siga ‘I follow / I go on’ and cubro ~ cubra ‘I cover’ is problematic: the expected vowel in that context, through a regular phonological evolution, should be mid high, not high. Given the irregular origin of the high vowel in Galician, Portuguese and Spanish, that the three languages share the unexpected height and that it seems that the high vowel first appeared and was consolidated in the central dialects of the Peninsula, I will propose that forms like sigo and cubro were originated in those central dialects and were taken and spread into the occidental dialects by a language contact situation. As the contact was more prolonged and intense in Galicia than in Portugal, Galician promoted variants like pido ~ pides ~ pide ~ pida (‘I ask for’), shared with Spanish, and diverged in this respect from Portuguese, which blocked their spreading.

portugués Language, Comparative and contrastive studies, Spanish/Galician comparison, Spanish/Portuguese comparison, Galician/Portuguese comparison, Phonetics and Phonology, Historical linguistics and etymology, Historical grammar. Internal history, Morphology and syntax ESPAÑA, OURENSE, PONTEVEDRA, PORTUGAL gallego, portugués, verbos
180890 Paper Sobre dos cecas medievales en Castilla y León: Palencia y Ciudad Rodrigo /en/fichas-bibliograficas/sobre-dos-cecas-medievales-en-castilla-y-leon-palencia-y-ciudad-rodrigo

Gaceta Numismática

Domingo Figuerola, Lluis

Domingo Figuerola, Lluis 1977 XLVII 15-26 español Geography, Economics, Thought and cultural world, History, Archaeology, Middle Ages ESPAÑA, SALAMANCA, Ciudad Rodrigo Ciudad Rodrigo, Palencia, numismática, historiografía, fuentes documentales y archivos
179691 Proceedings Sobre dos mitos del pasado medieval de la Sierra. Los Templarios de Aracena y el Fuero de Aroche /en/fichas-bibliograficas/sobre-dos-mitos-del-pasado-medieval-de-la-sierra-los-templarios-de-aracena-y

Patrimonio histórico-artístico de la provincia de Huelva: ponencias de las IV Jornadas del Patrimonio de la Sierra de Huelva : Jabugo y marzo 1989

Pérez-Embid Wamba, Javier

Pérez-Embid Wamba, Javier Huelva Diputación Provincial de Huelva 1992 145-156 8486842506 español Thought and cultural world, Anthropology and ethnology, Folklore. Oral tradition, Religion. Mythology, History, Middle Ages ESPAÑA, HUELVA, Aroche, Cortegana, Encinasola, PORTUGAL, BEJA, Moura, Mértola, Serpa, PORTALEGRE, Arronches, Elvas islamización, Reconquista, delimitación fronteriza, frontera política, Sierra de Aracena, fuentes documentales y archivos, Orden del Temple, fueros, Fuero de Arronches (1512)
178718 Paper Sobre el hidrónimo cacereño Salor /en/fichas-bibliograficas/sobre-el-hidronimo-cacereno-salor

Alcántara: Revista del Seminario de Estudios Cacereños

Sánchez Salor, Eustaquio

Sánchez Salor, Eustaquio 1977 188 11-18 español Language, Historical linguistics and etymology, Onomastics ESPAÑA, CÁCERES, Salorino toponimia, antroponimia, hidronimia